
How to speed up Google Chrome performance

How to speed up Google Chrome performance: Google Chrome is one of the fastest browsers you can get in the browsing world, but it might not always seem that way. If your chrome browser has been performing slow recently, you can speed it up by yourself. 

Browse fast Google Chrome

This guide will show you the tips and tricks to disable various unnecessary and unneeded features of Chrome to allow the browser to load web pages faster and speed up google chrome overall performance. These include extensions, plugins, and web apps you don’t need.

Continue reading the easy ways to speed up google chrome performance.


Method 1. Clear Cache and Cookies from Google Chrome browser

When you use a browser, like Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues on sites.

A cookie is a file created by a web browser, at the request of a website, that is stored on your computer. These files store information, such as shopping cart contents or authentication data.

A cache stores data from the website (such as text or images) so that the web page will load faster if you access them again.

Your browser tends to save these files. Even if they are relatively small in size, they will accumulate over time. It could cause performance issues on your browser.

It is highly recommended to clear out the cache and cookies once in a while to make your browser work better.

Method 2. Reinstall Google Chrome

You can just download latest Google chrome and double click on the installation setup and reinstall it.

Method 3. Disable Avoidable Extensions

Extensions are tools that extend the functionality of the Chrome browser. Some of  which are helpful yet some may actually be less helpful than you think. Extensions mostly run in the background, and parse or filter web pages before they’re displayed on the screen, but will also load their own pack of data from the Internet. To get better browsing speeds and good response times, disable and/or delete extensions you don’t actually need. Follow below instructions to do so.

  1. Type “chrome://extensions” in your Chrome’s location bar. Alternatively, you can go to Chrome’s Options > More tools > Extensions.
  2. Untick the Enabled to the extensions you want to disable or click the Trash icon to delete the extension.
Chrome Extensions
Chrome Extensions

Method 4. Disable Unnecessary Plugins to speed up google chrome

Plugins are much like extensions. They provide extended functionalities to the browser. Chrome comes with few built-in plugins provided by Google (like Chrome PDF Viewer, Native Client, etc.), and may carry plugins by other software installed on your computer. Plugins, like extensions, can slow down the browser and clog memory and network resources.

  1. Type “chrome://plugins” in your Chrome’s address bar.
  2. Click Disable to disable the plugin you no longer need.
Chrome Plugins
Chrome Plugins

Method 5. Remove Unnecessary Web Apps to speed up google chrome

Google Chrome is not just a web browser. It’s also an application platform for web apps. It can run locally-installed web apps written using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. While web apps don’t load resources as websites do, if you don’t need them, shed them.

  1. Type “chrome://apps” in your Chrome’s address bar or click Apps on the Bookmarks bar
  2. Right-click the app you want to remove, select Remove from Chrome…, and click the Remove button to confirm the removal
Chrome Apps
Chrome Apps

Method 6. Enable Prefetch Resources to speed up google chrome

Google Chrome comes with many intelligent features such as network prediction, spelling correction, resource preloaded, etc. Resource pre-fetcher or preloaded provides intelligent suggestions about the pages or links the user is most likely to open next, loading those pages/links in the background before you actually open them.

  1. Head over to Chrome’s Options > Settings > Show advanced settings…
  2. Check the “Prefetch resources to load pages more quickly” option.
Options Settings
Options Settings

Method 7. Enable Experimental Canvas Features

Experimental Canvas Features allow the Chrome to make use of opaque canvases to amplify the loading times and boost chrome performance.

  1. Go to “chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-canvas-features“.
  2. Click on Enable and then Relaunch Now button
Experimental Canvas
Experimental Canvas

Method 8. Enable Fast Tab/Window Close

The Fast Tab/Window Close option increases the response time of the browser when a user tries to close tabs or windows. Enabling this feature runs a tab’s on Unload.js handler independently of the graphical interface and speeds up the closing process. Follow the methods to ‘speed up google chrome’.

  1. Type “chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload” in the address bar
  2. Click on Enable and then Relaunch Now button
Fast Tab Window Close
Fast Tab Window Close

Method 9. Enable Scroll Prediction to speed up google chrome

Scroll Prediction feature tells the Chrome browser to predict the finger’s future position during scrolls allowing the engine to render the frame before the page is scrolled again.

  1. Type “chrome://flags/#enable-scroll-prediction” in the location bar
  2. Click on Enable and then Relaunch Now.
Scroll Prediction
Scroll Prediction

Method 10. Maximum Tiles

Maximum Tiles refers to the tiles for interest area. Increasing the maximum number of tiles allows Chrome to show more tiles based on your interests or browsing history, which allows you to quickly open a new website from the interest area.

  1. Head over to “chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area” in your browser
  2. Choose 512 from the dropdown. Click Relaunch Now.
Maximum Tiles for Interest Area
Maximum Tiles for Interest Area

Method 11. Raster Threads

Raster Threads are responsible for rendering images in Chrome. Increasing the number of raster threads improves the image rendering time, and thus influences page loading time.

  1. Open “chrome://flags/#num-raster-threads” in Chrome.
  2. Select 4 from the dropdown menu and click Relaunch Now.
Raster Threads
Raster Threads

Method 12. Answers in Suggest

The “Answers in Suggest” feature allows Chrome to show responses to certain types of queries (mostly questions) directly in the Omnibox’s suggestion list. After enabling this feature, you no longer need to wait for the page to load to see answers for your queries.

  1. Type “chrome://flags/#answers-in-suggest” in the location bar.
  2. Select Enabled from the dropdown. Click the Relaunch Now button.

Method 13. Simple Cache for HTTP

Simple Cache is the new caching mechanism for Google Chrome. It works better than the old caching system, relying on the filesystem for space allocation.

  1. Go to “chrome://flags/#enable-simple-cache-backend” in your browser.
  2. Select Enabled from the dropdown. Click the Relaunch Now button.
Simple Cache for http
Simple Cache for http

Wrapping things up:

How’s your experience after following these tips and tricks?. Hope you are able to “speed up your Google Chrome” Performance. Please let us know using comments below, also like and share this guide to help others.

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NOTE: All the above methods are for advanced Computer users. If you are a novice, I recommend you reach a computer expert or download an error repair software. Click here to download repair software...

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